Athlete biography questions for grandparents
Athlete biography questions for grandparents service...
Athlete biography questions for grandparents
Athlete biography questions for grandparents to ask
. . makes us care about what she or he did with time, effort, and opportunity. Who wants to read another boring biography? Who wants to write one? Certainly not you! (From: WRITING a GREAT BIOGRAPHY begins with… 1.
Questioning A great biography is driven by great questions. Boring questions produce boring answers. Boring answers put readers to sleep. Simple lists of facts are a bit like dry cereal .
Interview questions about life experiences
. . no milk . .
Legacy questions for parents
. no fruit . . . no taste! Sample Biography Questions to Research about your Athlete: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What sport do you compete in? What age did you start seriously training and competing in this sport? What other major achievements have you received?
Have you had to overcome any m